Release Date 2019-10-26
Subject Providence GOP Issues Platform On Issues—"New Urban Agenda"
Contacts DAVID TALAN < >

The Providence Republican Party has released a platform on the issues, called the "New Urban Agenda".

Ronald Iacobbo, Chair of the Platform Committee, reports that "This platform is a statement of how the Providence Republicans would govern the city; and the principles, policies & programs that would guide us. The platform represents more than a year of work, and all items in it were approved by a super-majority of the membership of the Providence GOP."

On Municipal Finances, the platform calls for renegotiating all labor contracts, to achieve reasonable wages, benefits, pensions and health care. To reduce debt financing and borrowing, it calls for a Capital Fund Budget and a Capital Improvement Plan. It suggests taking back full ownership and control of the Port by 2036. It also recommends a natural gas processing plant at Fields Point, and abolishing the Providence Tourism Fund.

On Education, the GOP calls for bringing back neighborhood schools, and reducing involuntary busing of children. Expansion of Charter Schools is recommended. The platform also calls for a school choice voucher program, to help families who can not wait any longer for the schools to improve.

On Quality Of Life issues, the Providence Republicans call for sensible immigration policies.

On Values & Ethics, the Republicans take a pro-life stance. They also call for separation between General Assemble membership and city employment or service.

The full platform is available for download as a PDF at and accessible on the Providence Republican City Committee website [].